A RPG YouTube Channel.
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You can always find the latest on the YouTube channel! The last few are listed below.
We appreciate any support you might be able to give. Any funds are used for new Savage Worlds products or kickstarters (who am I kidding, I'll buy them anyway) for use to make the channel interesting. We use the service Buy Us a Cup of Coffee that allows a one-time donation or continuing support.
You can, of course, subscribe on YouTube and click the like buttons. That probably would be even cooler than cash.
Carl also has a few Savage Worlds Adventure Guild (SWAG) products that you can purchase which is used to also purchase RPG material.
Tabletop Tango is a YouTube channel dedicated to doing deep-dives into topics related to tabletop RPGs. Our focus is the tabletop RPG Savage Worlds and deep-dive into rule discussions, GM and player suggestions, how-tos, and much more.